Why Should You Get a Flu Vaccine this Year?

King's Pharmacy

Why Should You Get a Flu Vaccine this Year?

book a flu jab on nhs in Birmingham

The flu vaccine is available through the NHS at a good number of pharmacies. This vaccine protects against the virus and is especially beneficial to those who are more likely to experience serious complications. Keep reading to learn how to book a flu jab on the NHS in Birmingham.

When should you book a flu jab on the NHS in Birmingham?

The optimum time to get the flu jab is in autumn or the first few weeks of winter before the virus starts spreading. However, you can still get it at a later time. One of the best methods to guarantee that you have immunity to the virus for at least 6 months is to get vaccinated.

Who can get a flu vaccine in 2022?

The NHS provides the flu vaccination to those who:

– Are above the age of 65.
– Have certain long-term conditions.
– Are pregnant.
– Are in long-stay residential care.
– Get a carer’s allowance, or are the sole carer for a disabled or older person who may be at risk if you become sick.
– Live with a person who is more likely to catch a severe infection due to a compromised immune system, such as someone who has HIV, someone getting some treatments for cancer, lupus or rheumatoid arthritis or who has undergone a transplant.
– Are frontline health workers.
– Are social care workers who can’t get the vaccine through an occupational health scheme at work.

People aged 50 and above will be able to get a free NHS flu jab beginning mid-October. Learn more about eligibility here.

book a flu jab nhs in Birmingham

Who should not get the flu vaccine?

The majority of adults can receive the flu vaccine, but if you’ve ever experienced a severe adverse reaction to one, you shouldn’t. If you are allergic to eggs, the flu vaccine may cause a negative reaction. Several flu vaccines are created using eggs as a raw material.

If you need an egg-free or low-egg vaccine, speak with your doctor or pharmacist. You should wait to get the vaccine until you feel better if you are otherwise sick or have a fever.

How much does it cost to book a flu jab on the NHS in Birmingham?

If you are eligible for a free flu vaccine, make an appointment with your pharmacy that offers it through the NHS.  Everyone who meets the requirements will be able to get it for free.

Pharmacies and medical offices usually receive shipments of flu vaccines. If you are not able to schedule an appointment immediately, ask if you may book one for a time when there are more vaccines available. Contact us today to find out more about the price of the flu jab.

How effective and how long is the flu vaccine good for?

Although the primary influenza virus strains are kept away by flu jabs, becoming sick is still a risk.

In the unlikely event that you do get the flu after getting a vaccination, it will likely be mild and pass quickly.

The vaccine will reduce your risk of spreading the illness to people who could be more susceptible to serious complications.

It takes the flu vaccination 10 to 14 days to start working.

Book flu jab on the nhs in Birmingham

Can students book a flu jab on the NHS in Birmingham?

Yes. You must get a flu jab if you currently attend or plan to enrol in a college or university. Teenagers, college and university students are particularly susceptible to the flu virus. Flu transmission is facilitated by crowded classrooms, communal living spaces, and group social activities.

What are the side effects of the flu vaccine?

A number of side effects are mild and usually last for a day or 2. These include:

– Muscle pain
– Discomfort at the injection site

Book your appointment with King’s Pharmacy today to get your flu jab on the NHS in Birmingham.




This blog post was written on behalf of King’s Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.

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